Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 2 London

After sleeping an amazing amount of time Saturday night, Kate went off to cover the Men's Basketball game for the Gold and Whitney and I headed down to see the Tower Bridge.

We met up with Kate Sunday evening and had dining in Covent Garden.  After dinner we headed to a pub to watch the closing ceremonies.  A very fun second day!


Writinggal said...

Hello from Texas! Just catching up and loving the pictures. Maybe now that all those pesky athletes are gone, you'll have London all to yourselves!
P.S. The word that your blog wants me to type to prove I'm not a robot is "loo." Okay, it's "blcloo" But still, kinda like loo.
P.S.S. Frank gets loo and tube mixed up so he'll say "did you ride the loo?"

Thea said...

Tell Frank I haven't ridden any loos, but tell Leo I've been on tons of trains!