Friday, September 5, 2008

A day at sea

We don’t get to Croatia until Saturday morning so I’ve been keeping myself entertained around the boat. As of this morning, we had sailed about 300 nautical miles from the Rome port and were 400 nautical miles from Dubrovnik. We passed by Sicily this morning and I had a great view from my room.

I went on a tour of the ship’s kitchen earlier. It’s quite large. Interesting facts…during an average week the ship goes through 137,000 lbs of fresh vegetables, 1,675 lbs of butter and margarine, 23,040 eggs and 332 cases of beer. Needless to say, I’ve been taking the stairs over the elevator to counteract these frightening numbers. The main decks of the ship span about 11 floors so it’s been quite the workout.

After my kitchen tour, I caught a cooking class in the Food & Wine Culinary Center. The demonstration was conducted by Drew, the cruise director, and Colby, the Party Planner. It was absolutely hilarious as they are not exactly profession chefs. I would probably classify it more as a comedy show that just happen to create a meal by the end of the routine.

Okay, again pictures will have to be posted separately. The upload is eating up my minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the food commentary and all the posts so far. keep us posted.