Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Atlanta Girls Reunion

Last weekend was the annual Atlanta girls reunion and this year it was in Atlanta!  It had been a few years since I'd been to Atlanta and probably 10 years since I was really in the heart of the town.  It was a short two night trip so unfortunately I didn't get tons of pictures and most that I did get are from my cell phone, but enjoy.

Hanging out with Maggie's daughter Emma on Friday afternoon

Friday night taco dinner: Stacey, Rachel, Helen, Me, Jessica, Maggie

Good ol' Atlanta Cheese Dip!

Stacey out of Belly, after Saturday breakfast

Saturday night dinner at Barcelona

After dinner drinks at The Albert

And Sunday morning brunch at Sun in My Belly
It was such a fun trip and I was so happy to see everyone!  Sadly, Kim could not make it but there's always next year!